
I got my FreeBSD set up to do nat, but it doesn't work 100%. Sites like Google for instance does work, but many other don't. All other protocols seems to be working properly. But why are sites failing to do anything? I got running natd with the verbose option and successfull request of google is indentical to a random other site :S
The firewall I use is rather big. the most important piece is:

01200     723    652298 divert 8668 ip from any to via fxp0
01200     521     85279 divert 8668 ip from to any
01200       0         0 allow ip from any to
01201     524     85399 allow ip from to any
01201       3       144 allow ip from any to
01500  871494 216106437 allow tcp from any to any established

/etc/natd.conf is:

alias_address %external_ip%

It just puzzles me why only some http request would fail and everything works fine!
Anyone got any idea?

Thanks in advanced,

Frank de Bot
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