Hi, Help, trying to install PHP4 from ports. I 'cd' to /usr/ports/www/mod_php4. Start a script. Type 'make'. The configure.php script prompt sme to select which components to build for. I take the default (or deselect zlib too, both produce the same error). And here's my output unedited. If anyone can help diagnose this and point me in the right direction I will be very appreciative. Thanks in advance.
Script started on Tue Nov 26 22:08:52 2002 root@cadence:/usr/ports/www/mod_php4 # make [m[39;49m[39;49m[37m[40m[H[J[7`[36m[44m[1m[1K [37m[47mÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ[m[33m[47m[1m configuration options [37m[47mÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ[m[30m[47m¿[m[36m[44m[1m[K[2;7H[1K [37m[47m³[m[30m[47m[64X[73`³[m[30m[40m[1m [36m[44m[K[3;7H[1K [37m[47m³[m[30m[47m Please select desired options:[33X[73`³[m[30m[40m[1m [36m[44m[K[4;7H[1K [37m[47m³[m[30m[47m [30m[47mÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ[37m [47m[1m¿[m[30m[47m ³[m[30m[40m[1m [36m[44m[K[5;7H[1K [37m[47m³[m[30m[47m [30m[47m³[m[30m[47m [37m[44m[1m[ ][m[30m[47m [31m[44m[1mG[33m[44mD1[m[30m[47m [37m[44m[1mGD 1.x library support[m[30m[47m[21X[71`[37m[47m[1m³[m[30m[47m ³[m[30m[40m[1m [36m[44m[K[6;7H[1K [37m[47m³[m[30m[47m [30m[47m³[m[30m[47m [30m[47m[ ][30m[47m [31m[47m[1mG[33m[47mD2[m[30m[47m [30m[47mGD 2.x library support[30m[47m! [21X[71`[37m[47m[1m³[m[30m[47m ³[m[30m[40m[1m [36m[44m[K[7;7H[1K [37m[47m³[m[30m[47m [30m[47m³[m[30m[47m [30m[47m[X][30m[47m [31m[47m[1mz[33m[47mlib[m[30m[47m [30m[47mzlib library support[30m[47m[23X[71`[37m[47m[1m³[m[30m[47m ³[m[30m[40m[1m [36m[44m[K[8;7H[1K [37m[47m³[m[30m[47m [30m[47m³[m[30m[47m [30m[47m[ ][30m[47m [31m[47m[1mb[33m[47mzip2[m[30m[47m [30m[47mbzip2 library support[30m[47m[22X[71`[37m[47m[1m³[m[30m[47m ³[m[30m[40m[1m [36m[44m[K[9;7H[1K [37m[47m³[m[30m[47m [30m[47m³[m[30m[47m [30m[47m[ ][30m[47m [31m[47m[1mm[33m[47mcrypt[m[30m[47m [30m[47mEncryption support[30m[47m[25X[71`[37m[47m[1m³[m[30m[47m ³[m[30m[40m[1m [36m[44m[K[10;7H[1K [37m[47m³[m[30m[47m [30m[47m³[m[30m[47m [30m[47m[ ][30m[47m [31m[47m[1mm[33m[47mhash[m[30m[47m [30m[47mCrypto-hashing support[30m[47m[2! 1X[71`[37m[47m[1m³[m[30m[47m ³[m[30m[40m[1m [36m! [44m[K[11;7H[1K [37m[47m³[m[30m[47m [30m[47m³[m[30m[47m [30m[47m[ ][30m[47m [31m[47m[1mp[33m[47mdflib[m[30m[47m [30m[47mpdflib support[30m[47m[29X[71`[37m[47m[1m³[m[30m[47m ³[m[30m[40m[1m [36m[44m[K[12;7H[1K [37m[47m³[m[30m[47m [30m[47m³[m[30m[47m [30m[47m[ ][30m[47m [31m[47m[1mI[33m[47mMAP[m[30m[47m [30m[47mIMAP support[30m[47m[31X[71`[37m[47m[1m³[m[30m[47m ³[m[30m[40m[1m [36m[44m[K[13;7H[1K [37m[47m³[m[30m[47m [30m[47m³[m[30m[47m [30m[47m[ ][30m[47m [31m[47m[1mI[33m[47mMAP-SSL[m[30m[47m [30m[47mIMAP-SSL support (implies IMAP)[30m[47m [37m[47m[1m³[m[30m[47m ³[m[30m[40m[1m [36m[44m[K[14;7H[1K [37m[47m³[m[30m[47m [30m[47m³[m[30m[47m [30m[47m[X][30m[47m [31m[47m[1mM[33m[47mySQL[m[30m[47m [30m[47mMySQL database support[30m[47m[21X[71`[37m[47m[1m³[m[30m[47m ³[m[30m[40m[1m [36m! [44m[K[15;7H[1K [37m[47m³[m[30m[47m [30m[47m³[m[30m[47m [30m[47m[ ][30m[47m [31m[47m[1mP[33m[47mostgreSQL[m[30m[47m [30m[47mPostgreSQL database support[30m[47m[16X[71`[37m[47m[1m³[m[30m[47m ³[m[30m[40m[1m [36m[44m[K[16;7H[1K [37m[47m³[m[30m[47m [30m[47m³[m[30m[47m [30m[47m[ ][30m[47m [31m[47m[1mS[33m[47mybaseDB[m[30m[47m [30m[47mSybase/MS-SQL database support (DB-lib)[30m[47m [37m[47m[1m³[m[30m[47m ³[m[30m[40m[1m [36m[44m[K[17;7H[1K [37m[47m³[m[30m[47m [30m[47m³[m[30m[47m [30m[47m[ ][30m[47m [31m[47m[1mS[33m[47mybaseCT[m[30m[47m [30m[47mSybase/MS-SQL database support (CT-lib)[30m[47m [37m[47m[1m³[m[30m[47m ³[m[30m[40m[1m [36m[44m[K[18;7H[1K [37m[47m³[m[30m[47m [30m[47m³[m[30m[47m [30m[47m[ ][30m[47m [31m[47m[1mI[33m[47mnterbase[m[30m[47m [30m[47mInterbase 6 database support (Firebird)[30m[47m [37m[47! m[1m³[m[30m[47m ³[m[30m[40m[1m [36m[44m[K[19;7H[! 1K [37m[47m³[m[30m[47m [30m[47m³[m[30m[47m [30m[47m[ ][30m[47m [31m[47m[1md[33m[47mBase[m[30m[47m [30m[47mdBase database support[30m[47m[21X[71`[37m[47m[1m³[m[30m[47m ³[m[30m[40m[1m [36m[44m[K[20;7H[1K [37m[47m³[m[30m[47m [30m[47m³[m[30m[47m [30m[47m[ ][30m[47m [31m[47m[1mO[33m[47mpenLDAP1[m[30m[47m [30m[47mOpenLDAP 1.x support[30m[47m[23X[71`[37m[47m[1m³[m[30m[47m ³[m[30m[40m[1m [36m[44m[K[21;7H[1K [37m[47m³[m[30m[47m [30m[47mÀ[37m[47m[1mÄÄÄÄÄ[32m[47m[m[32m[47m[1m(+)[37m[47mÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ[m[30m[47m ³[m[30m[40m[1m [36m[44m[K[22;7H[1K [37m[47mÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ [m[30m[47m´[m[30m[40m[1m [36m[44m[K[23;7H[1K [37m[47m³[m[30m[47m[21X[30`[37m[44m[1m[ [37m[44mO[37m[44mK ][m[30m[47m [30m[47m [31m[47mC[30m[47mancel [30m[47m[21X[! 73`³[m[30m[40m[1m [36m[44m[K[24;7H[1K [37m[47mÀ[m[30m[47mÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ[m[30m[40m[1m [36m[44m[K[25;9H[1K [30m[40m[66X[76`[36m[44m[K[5;13H[m[39;49m[37m[40m[30m[47m[ ][30m[47m [31m[47m[1mG[33m[47mD1[28`[m[30m[47mGD 1.x library support[6;12H[37m[44m[1m[ ][m[30m[47m [31m[44m[1mG[33m[44mD2[28`[37m[44mGD 2.x library support[6;13H[m[39;49m[37m[40m[30m[47m[ ][30m[47m [31m[47m[1mG[33m[47mD2[28`[m[30m[47mGD 2.x library support[7;12H[37m[44m[1m[X][m[30m[47m [31m[44m[1mz[33m[44mlib[28`[37m[44mzlib library support[7;13H[m[39;49m[37m[40m[37m[44m[1m [m[39;49m[37m[40m[23;33H[25;76H[H[36m[44m[1m[K[B[K[B[K[B[K [B[K[B[K[B[K[B[K[B[K[B[K[B[K[B[K[B[K[B[K[B[K[B[K[B [K[B[K[B[K[B[K[B[K[B[K[B[K[B[K[B[K[B[m[39;49m[37m[40m [39;49m [K[25;1H Building mod_php4 as an apache2 module. ===> Extracting for mod_php4-4.2.3 Building mod_php4 as an apache2 module. >> Checksum OK for php-4.2.3.tar.bz2. ===> mod_php4-4.2.3 depends on file: /usr/local/sbin/apxs - found ===> mod_php4-4.2.3 depends on executable: autoconf213 - found ===> mod_php4-4.2.3 depends on shared library: mysqlclient.10 - found ===> Patching for mod_php4-4.2.3 ===> Applying FreeBSD patches for mod_php4-4.2.3 ===> Configuring for mod_php4-4.2.3 configure.in:526: warning: AC_TRY_RUN called without default to allow cross compiling ext/imap/config.m4:168: warning: AC_TRY_RUN called without default to allow cross compiling ext/qtdom/config.m4:34: AC_PROG_CXXCPP was called before AC_PROG_CXX ext/session/config.m4:30: warning: AC_TRY_RUN called without default to allow cross compiling ext/session/config.m4:31: warning: AC_TRY_RUN called without default to allow cross compiling ext/xml/config.m4:8: warning: AC_TRY_RUN called without default to allow cross compiling creating cache ./config.cache checking for Cygwin environment... no checking for mingw32 environment... no checking host system type... i386-portbld-freebsd4.6 checking for a BSD compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c -o root -g wheel checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking whether make sets ${MAKE}... yes checking for working aclocal... missing checking for working autoconf... found checking for working automake... missing checking for working autoheader... found checking for working makeinfo... found checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles... no Updated php_version.h checking for gcc... cc checking whether the C compiler (cc -O -pipe -I/usr/local/include ) works... yes checking whether the C compiler (cc -O -pipe -I/usr/local/include ) is a cross-compiler... no checking whether we are using GNU C... yes checking whether cc accepts -g... yes checking whether cc understands -c and -o together... yes checking how to run the C preprocessor... cc -E checking for AIX... no checking for cc option to accept ANSI C... none needed checking whether compiler supports -R... yes checking for ranlib... ranlib checking whether ln -s works... yes checking for mawk... no checking for gawk... no checking for nawk... no checking for awk... awk checking for bison... bison -y checking bison version... 1.35 (ok) checking for flex... flex checking for yywrap in -lfl... yes checking lex output file root... lex.yy checking whether yytext is a pointer... yes checking for working const... yes checking for pthreads_cflags... -pthread checking for pthreads_lib... [1mConfiguring SAPI modules[m checking for AOLserver support... no checking for Apache 1.x module support via DSO through APXS... no checking for Apache 1.x module support... no checking for mod_charset compatibility option... no checking for Apache 2.0 module support via DSO through APXS... yes checking for Caudium support... no checking for fhttpd module support... no checking for CLI build... no checking for FastCGI support... no checking for Zeus ISAPI support... no checking for NSAPI support... no checking for PHTTPD support... no checking for Pi3Web Support... no checking for Roxen/Pike support... no checking for Servlet support... no checking for thttpd... no checking for TUX... no checking for webjames... no checking for chosen SAPI module... apache2filter [1mRunning system checks[m checking for missing declarations of reentrant functions... done checking for sendmail... /usr/sbin/sendmail checking whether system uses EBCDIC... no checking for socket in -lsocket... no checking for htonl in -lsocket... no checking for yp_get_default_domain... yes checking for dlopen in -ldl... no checking for sin in -lm... yes checking for inet_aton in -lresolv... no checking for inet_aton in -lbind... no checking for __inet_aton in -lbind... no checking for res_search in -lsocket... no checking for res_search in -lresolv... no checking for dn_skipname in -lresolv... no checking for __dn_skipname in -lresolv... no checking for ANSI C header files... yes checking for dirent.h that defines DIR... yes checking for opendir in -ldir... no checking for fclose declaration... ok checking for ApplicationServices/ApplicationServices.h... no checking for alloca.h... no checking for arpa/inet.h... yes checking for arpa/nameser.h... yes checking for crypt.h... no checking for fcntl.h... yes checking for grp.h... yes checking for ieeefp.h... yes checking for langinfo.h... yes checking for limits.h... yes checking for locale.h... yes checking for netinet/in.h... yes checking for pwd.h... yes checking for resolv.h... yes checking for signal.h... yes checking for stdarg.h... yes checking for stdlib.h... yes checking for string.h... yes checking for syslog.h... yes checking for sysexits.h... yes checking for sys/file.h... yes checking for sys/mman.h... yes checking for sys/mount.h... yes checking for sys/resource.h... yes checking for sys/select.h... yes checking for sys/socket.h... yes checking for sys/statfs.h... no checking for sys/statvfs.h... no checking for sys/vfs.h... no checking for sys/sysexits.h... no checking for sys/time.h... yes checking for sys/types.h... yes checking for sys/varargs.h... no checking for sys/wait.h... yes checking for unistd.h... yes checking for unix.h... no checking for utime.h... yes checking whether struct tm is in sys/time.h or time.h... time.h checking for tm_zone in struct tm... yes checking for tm_gmtoff in struct tm... yes checking for struct flock... yes checking for socklen_t... yes checking size of long... 4 checking size of int... 4 checking for st_blksize in struct stat... yes checking for st_blocks in struct stat... yes checking for st_rdev in struct stat... yes checking for size_t... yes checking for uid_t in sys/types.h... yes checking for struct sockaddr_storage... yes checking for IPv6 support... yes checking for vprintf... yes checking for asctime_r... yes checking for chroot... yes checking for ctime_r... yes checking for cuserid... no checking for crypt... no checking for flock... yes checking for gai_strerror... yes checking for gcvt... no checking for getlogin... yes checking for gethostbyaddr... yes checking for getprotobyname... yes checking for getprotobynumber... yes checking for getservbyname... yes checking for getservbyport... yes checking for getrusage... yes checking for gettimeofday... yes checking for gmtime_r... yes checking for inet_aton... yes checking for isascii... yes checking for link... yes checking for localtime_r... yes checking for lockf... yes checking for lrand48... yes checking for memcpy... yes checking for memmove... yes checking for mkstemp... yes checking for mmap... yes checking for nl_langinfo... yes checking for putenv... yes checking for realpath... yes checking for random... yes checking for rand_r... yes checking for regcomp... yes checking for res_search... yes checking for setitimer... yes checking for setlocale... yes checking for localeconv... yes checking for setsockopt... yes checking for setvbuf... yes checking for shutdown... yes checking for sin... yes checking for snprintf... yes checking for srand48... yes checking for srandom... yes checking for statfs... yes checking for statvfs... no checking for std_syslog... no checking for strcasecmp... yes checking for strcoll... yes checking for strdup... yes checking for strerror... yes checking for strftime... yes checking for strstr... yes checking for strtok_r... yes checking for symlink... yes checking for tempnam... yes checking for tzset... yes checking for unsetenv... yes checking for usleep... yes checking for utime... yes checking for vsnprintf... yes checking for getaddrinfo... yes checking for strlcat... yes checking for strlcpy... yes checking for getopt... yes checking whether utime accepts a null argument... yes checking for working alloca.h... (cached) no checking for alloca... yes checking whether sprintf is broken... no checking for declared timezone... yes checking for type of reentrant time-related functions... POSIX checking for readdir_r... yes checking for type of readdir_r... POSIX checking whether to include debugging symbols... no checking layout of installed files... yes checking path to configuration file... yes checking whether to install PEAR, and where... yes checking whether to enable safe mode by default... no checking for safe mode exec dir... /usr/local/php/bin checking for OpenSSL support... no checking whether to enable PHP's own SIGCHLD handler... no checking whether to enable magic quotes by default... no checking whether to enable runpaths... yes checking whether to explicitly link against libgcc... no checking whether to enable short tags by default... yes checking whether to enable dmalloc... no checking for crypt in -lcrypt... yes [1mConfiguring extensions[m checking if the location of ZLIB install directory is defined... no checking for ZLIB support... no checking for ASPELL support... no checking whether to enable bc style precision math functions... no checking for BZip2 support... no checking whether to enable calendar conversion support... no checking for CCVS support... no checking for cpdflib support... no checking for CRACKlib support... no checking whether to enable ctype functions... yes checking for CURL support... no checking for CyberCash support... no checking for cybermut support... no checking for cyrus imap support... no checking for xDBM support... no checking whether to enable DBA... no checking for GDBM support... no checking for NDBM support... no checking for Berkeley DB2 support... no checking for Berkeley DB3 support... no checking for DBM support... no checking for CDB support... no checking whether to enable DBA interface... no checking whether to enable dbase support... no checking for dbplus support... no checking whether to enable dbx support... no checking whether to enable direct I/O support... no checking for DOM support... no checking for DOM XSLT support... no checking for DOM EXSLT support... no checking whether to enable EXIF support... no checking for FrontBase SQL92 (fbsql) support... no checking for FDF support... no checking whether to enable the bundled filePro support... no checking for FriBidi support... no checking whether to enable FTP support... no checking for GD support... no checking for GNU gettext support... no checking for GNU MP support... no checking for Hyperwave support... no checking for ICAP support... no checking for iconv support... no checking for IMAP support... no checking for Informix support... no checking for Ingres II support... no checking for InterBase support... no checking for IRCG support... no checking for Java support... no checking for LDAP support... no checking whether to enable multibyte string support... no checking whether to enable japanese encoding translation... no checking whether to enable multibyte regex support... no checking for MCAL support... no checking for mcrypt support... no checking for MCVE support... no checking for mhash support... no checking for MING support... no checking for mnoGoSearch support... no checking for msession support... no checking for mSQL support... no checking for Muscat support... no checking for MySQL support... yes checking size of char... 1 checking size of int... (cached) 4 checking size of long... (cached) 4 checking size of long long... 8 checking for size_t... (cached) yes checking whether time.h and sys/time.h may both be included... yes checking for uid_t in sys/types.h... (cached) yes checking for type ulong... no checking for type uchar... no checking for type uint... yes checking for type ushort... yes checking for int8... no checking base type of last arg to accept... socklen_t checking return type of qsort... void checking for mysql_close in -lmysqlclient... yes checking for MySQL UNIX socket... /var/tmp/mysql.sock checking for ncurses support... no checking for Oracle-OCI8 support... no checking for Adabas support... no checking for SAP DB support... no checking for Solid support... no checking for IBM DB2 support... no checking for Empress support... no checking for Empress local access support... no checking for Birdstep support... no checking for a custom ODBC support... no checking for iODBC support... no checking for Easysoft ODBC-ODBC Bridge support... no checking for unixODBC support... no checking for OpenLink ODBC support... no checking for DBMaker support... no checking for Oracle-ORACLE support... no checking whether to enable user-space object overloading support... no checking for Ovrimos SQL Server support... no checking whether to enable pcntl support... no checking for PCRE support... yes checking for memmove... (cached) yes checking for PDFlib support... no checking for Verisign Payflow Pro support... no checking for PostgreSQL support... no checking whether to enable POSIX-like functions... yes checking for seteuid... yes checking for setegid... yes checking for setsid... yes checking for getsid... yes checking for setpgid... yes checking for getpgid... yes checking for ctermid... yes checking for mkfifo... yes checking for getrlimit... yes checking for PSPELL support... no checking whether to include QDOM support... no checking for libedit readline replacement... no checking for readline support... no checking for recode support... no checking whether to enable PHP sessions... yes checking for mm support... no checking for pread... yes checking for pwrite... yes checking whether pwrite works without custom declaration... yes checking whether pread works without custom declaration... yes checking whether to enable shmop support... no checking for SNMP support... no checking whether to enable UCD SNMP hack... no checking whether to enable sockets support... no checking for dlopen... yes checking for pam_start in -lpam... yes checking for getcwd... yes checking for getwd... yes checking for standard DES crypt... yes checking for extended DES crypt... yes checking for MD5 crypt... yes checking for Blowfish crypt... yes checking whether flush should be called explicitly after a bufferered io... yes checking whether to enable aggregation support... no checking for libswf support... no checking for Sybase support... no checking for Sybase-CT support... no checking whether to enable System V semaphore support... no checking whether to enable System V shared memory support... no checking whether to enable tokenizer support... no checking for vpopmail support... no checking whether to enable WDDX support... no checking whether byte ordering is bigendian... no checking whether to enable XML support... yes checking external libexpat install dir... no checking for XMLRPC-EPI support... no checking libexpat dir for XMLRPC-EPI... no checking iconv dir for XMLRPC-EPI... no checking whether to enable xslt support... no checking for XSLT Sablotron backend... no checking libexpat dir for Sablotron XSL support... no checking enable JavaScript for Sablotron... no checking for YAZ support... no checking whether to include YP support... no checking for ZIP support... no checking whether to enable versioning... yes checking which regex library to use... php [1mConfiguring Zend[m checking build system type... i386-portbld-freebsd4.6 checking for ld used by GCC... /usr/libexec/elf/ld checking if the linker (/usr/libexec/elf/ld) is GNU ld... yes checking for /usr/libexec/elf/ld option to reload object files... -r checking for BSD-compatible nm... /usr/bin/nm -B checking how to recognise dependant libraries... pass_all checking for object suffix... o checking for executable suffix... no checking command to parse /usr/bin/nm -B output... ok checking for dlfcn.h... yes checking for ranlib... (cached) ranlib checking for strip... strip checking for objdir... .libs checking for cc option to produce PIC... -fPIC checking if cc PIC flag -fPIC works... yes checking if cc static flag -static works... yes checking if cc supports -c -o file.o... yes checking if cc supports -c -o file.lo... yes checking if cc supports -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions... yes checking whether the linker (/usr/libexec/elf/ld) supports shared libraries... yes checking how to hardcode library paths into programs... immediate checking whether stripping libraries is possible... yes checking dynamic linker characteristics... freebsd4.6 ld.so checking if libtool supports shared libraries... yes checking whether to build shared libraries... yes checking whether to build static libraries... no checking whether -lc should be explicitly linked in... yes creating libtool checking bison version... 1.35 (ok) checking for limits.h... (cached) yes checking for malloc.h... no checking for string.h... (cached) yes checking for unistd.h... (cached) yes checking for stdarg.h... (cached) yes checking for sys/types.h... (cached) yes checking for sys/time.h... (cached) yes checking for signal.h... (cached) yes checking for unix.h... (cached) no checking for dlfcn.h... (cached) yes checking for size_t... (cached) yes checking return type of signal handlers... void checking for dlopen in -ldl... (cached) no checking for dlopen... (cached) yes checking whether dlsym() requires a leading underscore in symbol names... no checking for uint... yes checking for ulong... no checking for vprintf... (cached) yes checking for 8-bit clean memcmp... yes checking for working alloca.h... (cached) no checking for alloca... (cached) yes checking for memcpy... (cached) yes checking for strdup... (cached) yes checking for getpid... yes checking for kill... yes checking for strtod... yes checking for strtol... yes checking for finite... no checking for fpclass... no checking whether sprintf is broken... (cached) no checking for finite... (cached) no checking for isfinite... no checking for isinf... yes checking for isnan... yes checking whether fp_except is defined... no checking whether to enable experimental ZTS... yes checking whether to enable inline optimization for GCC... no checking whether to enable a memory limit... no checking whether to enable Zend debugging... no checking for inline... inline [1mConfiguring TSRM[m checking for stdarg.h... (cached) yes checking for GNU Pth... pth-config: not found Please check your Pth installation pth-config: not found pth-config: not found pth-config: not found yes - installed in [1mGenerating files[m checking for working mkdir -p... yes creating config_vars.mk updating cache ./config.cache creating ./config.status creating php4.spec creating Zend/Makefile creating main/build-defs.h creating pear/scripts/pear creating pear/scripts/phpize creating pear/scripts/php-config creating pear/scripts/pearize creating pear/scripts/phptar creating TSRM/Makefile creating main/php_config.h fastgen.sh: creating sapi/Makefile fastgen.sh: creating ext/Makefile fastgen.sh: creating Makefile fastgen.sh: creating pear/Makefile fastgen.sh: creating main/Makefile fastgen.sh: creating sapi/cli/Makefile fastgen.sh: creating ext/ctype/Makefile fastgen.sh: creating ext/mysql/Makefile fastgen.sh: creating ext/pcre/Makefile fastgen.sh: creating ext/pcre/pcrelib/Makefile fastgen.sh: creating ext/posix/Makefile fastgen.sh: creating ext/session/Makefile fastgen.sh: creating ext/standard/Makefile fastgen.sh: creating ext/xml/Makefile fastgen.sh: creating ext/xml/expat/Makefile fastgen.sh: creating sapi/apache2filter/Makefile fastgen.sh: creating regex/Makefile creating number.c creating number.h creating main/internal_functions.c creating main/internal_functions_cli.c +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | *** WARNING *** | | | | Apache 2 Support is EXPERIMENTAL and should NOT be used in | | production environment. Before submitting bug reports, try the | | latest CVS snapshot from http://snaps.php.net | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | License: | | This software is subject to the PHP License, available in this | | distribution in the file LICENSE. By continuing this installation | | process, you are bound by the terms of this license agreement. | | If you do not agree with the terms of this license, you must abort | | the installation process at this point. | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | *** NOTE *** | | The default for register_globals is now OFF! | | | | If your application relies on register_globals being ON, you | | should explicitly set it to on in your php.ini file. | | Note that you are strongly encouraged to read | | http://www.php.net/manual/en/security.registerglobals.php | | about the implications of having register_globals set to on, and | | avoid using it if possible. | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Thank you for using PHP. ===> Building for mod_php4-4.2.3 Making all in Zend /bin/sh ../libtool --silent --mode=compile cc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../main -DNO_IDEA -D_REENTRANT -D_THREAD_SAFE -I../TSRM -O -pipe -I/usr/local/include -pthread -DZTS -prefer-pic -c zend_language_parser.c In file included from zend_alloc.h:26, from zend.h:154, from zend_compile.h:24, from zend_language_parser.c:148: ../TSRM/TSRM.h:40: pth.h: No such file or directory In file included from zend_alloc.h:26, from zend.h:154, from zend_compile.h:24, from zend_language_parser.c:148: ../TSRM/TSRM.h:87: syntax error before `pth_t' ../TSRM/TSRM.h:102: syntax error before `thread_id' ../TSRM/TSRM.h:103: syntax error before `thread_id' ../TSRM/TSRM.h:110: syntax error before `tsrm_thread_id' ../TSRM/TSRM.h:110: warning: data definition has no type or storage class ../TSRM/TSRM.h:111: syntax error before `*' ../TSRM/TSRM.h:111: warning: data definition has no type or storage class ../TSRM/TSRM.h:112: syntax error before `*' ../TSRM/TSRM.h:113: syntax error before `*' ../TSRM/TSRM.h:114: syntax error before `*' *** Error code 1 Stop in /usr/ports/www/mod_php4/work/php-4.2.3/Zend. *** Error code 1 Stop in /usr/ports/www/mod_php4/work/php-4.2.3. *** Error code 1 Stop in /usr/ports/www/mod_php4. *** Error code 1 Stop in /usr/ports/www/mod_php4. root@cadence:/usr/ports/www/mod_php4 # exit exit Script done on Tue Nov 26 22:10:00 2002 To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe freebsd-questions" in the body of the message