Anthony Atkielski wrote:
> Chris writes:
>>If thats what it comes down to - then sending emails, lists, bloggs, etc
>>are all willfull violations of copyright - Oh nooooo - where do you
>>draw the line!!!
> Some are, some aren't.

This whole thing is silly (the isues at hand, meaning -

You see - if you post on the FBSD list, even if it does not get access
at all by anyone (meaning Google) its still public because someone goes
to the FBSD site, searches the archieves - and bingo, I can see a bunch
of posts by anyone or anything that made it to the list.

The point is - its public. Anyone can access it. Now, what's the diff if
you get to it via Google or the FreeBSD site itself?

Isnt it still public? The only that has changed, is that you need to go
to the FBSD site, and search for it yourself.

I really don't see the diff on this. Public is public. Unless someone
knows of a meaning other then that.

Or - unless you pull a statement like: it depends on what the meaning
is, is.

Best regards,

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