On Thu, Apr 28, 2005 at 07:58:49PM +0000, Vittorio wrote:
> > > prtcl=0x0000 device names: umass0
> > > usbd: Found action 'SWISSBIT' for Twist, SWISSBIT at umass0
> > > usbd: Executing '/sbin/mount_msdosfs /dev/da0 /mnt/swissbit'
> > > mount_msdosfs: /dev/da0: No such file or directory
> > > usbd: '/sbin/mount_msdosfs /dev/da0 /mnt/swissbit' returned 71
> >
> > It takes a while for the mapping from umass to da to be established. Try
> > adding '/bin/sleep 1; ' to the front of the attach command.
> >
> > Your usbd.conf relies on two assumptions that might not be true. The
> > umass0 device is not necessarily the swissbit device, and umass0 does
> > not automatically map to da0.
> >
> > Roland
> Didn't know. I was misled by the fact that I saw my SWISSBIT mass storage  
> mapped as umass[0-2]+ and ** acordingly ** da[0-2]+: 0 to 0, 1 to 1 and 2 to 
> 2.

That is probably because you have no SCSI disks. They also use the da
driver. If you had one, it would be da0, and umass0 would probably map
to da1.

> By the way, there's another question relating to mapping.
> As I said to mount  the SWISSBIT I use for instance 
> "/sbin/mount_msdosfs /dev/da0 /mnt/swissbit" whilst to mount my Eutron usb 
> mass storage mapped as umass0 -> da0 I have to issue:
> "/sbin/mount_msdosfs /dev/da0s1 /mnt/eutron"
> Why is that, I mean da0 -> da0s1?

The devices are partitioned differently. If you run 'gpt show /dev/daX',
where X denotes the numbers of the two devices, you'll see the differences.

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