On 4/20/05, linuxbaby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  On Wed, 2005-04-20 at 11:40 -0400, Alexander Chamandy wrote: 
>  I was curious if anyone had got their iPod 40GB working on FreeBSD
> 5.4-STABLE/amd64? I've tried it under ehci(4) and it isn't properly
> detected. Sometimes it will even lock the system. When booting up it
> actually prevents the system from properly starting after it reaches
> the PATA/SATA drives. After I unplug the iPod from USB the system
> boots normally.
> The umass(4) driver shows the iPod when I plug it in, but it does not
> associate a da device with it. If any more information is desired,
> let me know.
>  hi
>  iīm not sure what is with 5.4 but on my system FreeBSD 5.3 the ehci doesnīt
> work 
>  see man ehci....so the best way is to use the ipod on FreeBSD with firewire
> maybe this 
>  link help but itīs in german
>  http://wiki.bsd-crew.de/index.php/IPod_Firewire_FreeBSD

Thanks I'll babelfish it and give it a shot.  :-)

>  olli 
>  -- 
>  linuxbaby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

Best wishes,

Alexander G. Chamandy
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