On Sun, Apr 17, 2005 at 03:03:49PM +0200, Joost van Dijk wrote:
> On Sunday 17 April 2005 13:56, Roland Smith wrote:
> > It looks to me like you're not running dhclient with sufficient
> > permissions (i.e. not as root), or you have a firewall that doesn't let the
> > traffic through.
> I am logging in as root. 


> The firewall is enabled, but I have not got up to the chapter in the book on 
> firewalls yet, so I have absolutely no idea what so ever about how to 
> configure it. 

Look for firewall_enable="YES" in /etc/rc.conf. Remove it and reboot to
disable the firewall. If you don't want to disable it, look for
firewall_type in /etc/rc.conf and edit the relevant lines in /etc/rc.firewall
If you currently have a "client" type firewall, setting the "net" and
"mask" variables in /etc/rc.firewall might do the trick, depending on
how your network is set up.

R.F. Smith                           /"\    ASCII Ribbon Campaign
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