I don't think I have ever done that...or even considered that was
possible...The controller does support growing the array...Guess I'll give
it a shot starting with 2TB and then grow it in increments to see how it
behaves...any suggestions for newfs'in the device directly??

-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Nelson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, April 15, 2005 12:15 PM
To: Edgar Martinez
Cc: 'Nick Evans'; 'Benson Wong'; 'Nick Pavlica';
Subject: Re: 5.8TB RAID5 SATA Array Questions

In the last episode (Apr 15), Edgar Martinez said:
> OK...so now we are going into some new territory...I am curious if
> you would care to elaborate a bit more...I am intrigued...if anyone
> wants me to do some experiments or test something, let me know...I
> for one welcome any attempts at pushing any limits or trying new
> things...

If your array is just going to used for one large filesystem, you can
skip any partitioning steps and newfs the base device directly.  then
if you decide to grow the array (and if your controller supports
nondestructive resizing), you can use growfs to expand the filesystem
without the extra step of manually adjusting a partition table.

        Dan Nelson

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