On Tuesday 12 April 2005 05:01 pm, markzero wrote:
> > > ssh was the first thing that sprang to mind but it also raised
> > > some further questions, like what exactly to copy. /usr/obj would
> > > obviously have to go over but what about all the makefiles
> > > required for a 'make installworld' etc? I wondered if I would end
> > > up just copying over /usr/src entirely, which seems very
> > > innefficient.
> > >
> > > Hmm, it's certainly something to think about.
> >
> > What I have done to cover that situation is place /usr/obj and
> > /usr/src in their own 1.5GB partitions. Then, when you nfs_mount
> > them on the other system, they have the same path as when you did
> > the build.
> >
> > You don't need 3GB to cover the build but HDs are cheap and
> > rebuilding a slice is not. I have the kernel config file for each
> > of the other systems on the build machine. When you do a
> > buildkernel, you can have the build machine build the kernel for
> > all of them at one time.
> Veering slightly off topic now but how reliable/secure is NFS these
> days? I stopped using it years ago as I got tired of the problems I
> used to have with it (probably my own fault). Is there a decent,
> lightweight distributed filesystem that's stable on FreeBSD? My main
> criteria are:
>   1. Lightweight - small and simple is best.
>   2. Cryptographically secure - we are very strict about cleartext
>      protocols over the network here.
> I have seen Coda in ports but it labels itself as 'experimental' and
> I'm not really up for debugging my filesystem...

I don't know about reliable. Secure is a function of how you export your 
system. You export by the remote system, so, no export, no problem :).

I have used it to recover systems. I had a mobo go and when I loaded the 
HDs, I had a pair switched. It was immediately obvious but some links 
seemed to go by-by. I brought the recovery system up todate and loaded 
the kernel and world on the sick system. After the upgrade, I had no 
more problems. I remounted the ../src and ../obj from the sick machine 
and went on with business.


Kent Stewart
Richland, WA

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