On Sun, Nov 24, 2002 at 07:24:45PM +0000, lewiz wrote:
> Hi,
>   Like many of you I use mutt for email.  I recently reinstalled mutt
> and included the NNTP patch allowing me to read news directly through
> mutt.  However, I have the same home directory (and therefore muttrc)
> shared across many machines - not all of which have the nntp patch.
> Because I have nntp switches in my muttrc is there any way I can have
> these ignored and not throw errors if I am running a version of mutt
> without the patch?
Several ways.
One which springs to mind is a shell wrapper, say called runmutt, which
tests the name of the machine and runs mutt as appropriate. Something

NODE=`uname -n`
if [ $NODE = "muttandnews" ]; then
    mutt -nntpflags

adjusted as appropriate for your systems.

There are several other ways of course, this is my 7 a.m. in the morning
suggestion :)

   Cliff Sarginson 
   The Netherlands

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