On Mon, 28 Mar 2005 22:59:29 +1000
Warren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> For some reason Azureus is sucking up a lot of my computer and has a habbit 
> of 
> shutting itself down for no apparent reason.
> It wont run in GDB so i can see whats going on .. is there any other way i 
> can 
> debug it to find out why its shutting itself down.

Azureus is a java application, you can't debug it with GDB. When java
apps crash you can usually get a backtrace of the unhandled exception.
Since Azureus uses SWT it might be a problem with the recent GTK+
update. I haven't used it in a while, but some months ago it was a
pretty solid application.

Miguel Mendez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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