> Pierrick, > It sounds like what you want to do is get a basic install of a machine as > fast as possible, and have it secure.
Let's say I want to change for many reason. The first one is flexibility! I have the time to make a basic install and then install each package I do want. Last time I tried, I had my ADSL connection running fine, Firewall configured (almost everything closed), DHCPd, HTTPd, FTPd, SSH and DNS (was trying BIND and djbdns). Then I saw I didn't have much time to continue.. I had troubles with the firewall customization, samba was always giving errors, had issues with djbdns.. wanted to get back to BIND but a bunch of people told me djbdns is the one I should take. Then someone told me it's for professional and I had to use BIND. I was really lost so I backuped /etc/ and some other stuff and put the machine in a cupboard at home... And 1-2 months later I was posting here to find a flexible and easy to install complete freebsd server. But I was wrooooong :D Have to give me time to make this damn server work I think! Thanx for your answer Avleen! To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe freebsd-questions" in the body of the message