On Sat, Nov 16, 2002 at 03:20:07PM -0700, Don Wilde wrote:
> I already have Apache 1.3.27 installed from source, but the 4.7-STABLE
> dependency tree follower in /stand/sysinstall doesn't recognize it. The
> package installer keeps downloading the package and aborting when trying
> to install it. It just keeps looping, won't let me get past that
> failure. The system used to just fail on the primary package install and
> continue to let the rest of my packages be installed. Now, I can't see
> what package it is that's not getting anywhere.
> Suggestions?

You don't really provide enough detail for an specific response.  What
exactly are you trying to install, and what is the error message when
it fails?

When you say "installed from source", do you mean that you used the
ports system to compile apache, or that you compiled it entirely
outside the ports/pkg system?

If it was the latter then I wouldn't characterise the effect you're
seeing as a bug --- annoying, certainly, but this situation is outside
the scope of what the ports system provides.

In general, I'd advise you to wean yourself off using
/stand/sysinstall for general maintenance purposes --- it's great at
installing the system from scratch, but it was never really intended
as a general purpose administration tool.

Instead, try using the standard tools provided by the system ---
pkg_add(1) in your case -- or what are pretty much the de facto new
generation of standard tools, by which I mean portupgrade(1) and
friends.  Amongst other advantages these will produce more meaningful
output if things go horribly wrong, and if that doesn't tell you
straight away how to fix the problem then posting that output here
will give us a fighting chance at helping you.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       26 The Paddocks
                                                      Savill Way
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