You can configure "/etc/ppp/ppp.linkdown" to redial. [ppp.linkdown]
isp: /usr/sbin/ppp -quiet -ddial -nat isp #--end ppp.linkdown (change isp to your isp label) and put redial to your /etc/ppp/ppp.conf man ppp to see how This is just an idea. I never try this. :P :D \^o^/ || -----Original Message----- || From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] || [mailto:owner-freebsd-questions@;FreeBSD.ORG] On Behalf Of Liquid || Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2002 6:47 AM || To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] || Subject: resent - in txt format - using PPP to establish || a PPPoE connection - won't renew if connection is dropped || || || || Sorry everyone, forgot to convert to txt before sending || this, so I'll resend || || I'm having this huge problem: I have adsl, and I connect || using that PPPoE garbage. I also just changed ISP for a || less expensive one, and I'm beginning to realize why its || less expensive. I'm running a machine with FreeBSD 4.7 || stable on it and whenever it gets disconnected (about || twice daily, believe it or not) it can't seem to || "realize" that such is the case and thus never reconnects || to get a new IP. Does anyone have any idea what I can do || to fix this? Whenever I'm not around, and this happens, || I have to go out of my way to drive to where this box is || located to reboot it. It's the only way I'm able to || force it to reconnect. || || TIA || || || || To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] || with "unsubscribe freebsd-questions" in the body of the message || || || To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe freebsd-questions" in the body of the message