Peter Leftwich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Are there any tools out there in FreeBSD-land that let the user mount to
> the following example file?
> A filename.iso has been burned to a CD-R; The filename.iso contains lots of
> *.zip files that were tarred into a single filename.tar then gzipped into
> filename.tgz -- The user then used mkisofs to convert filename.tgz to
> filename.iso
> Am I asking too much and at too many levels down?  =)

It's hard to say, because it's not clear which file you wanted to
mount.  The .iso file is easy; that's covered in the FAQ.  Mounting
the tarfile from *within* the ISO isn't currently practical, but if
you wanted to do that, it would have made more sense to run mkisofs
directly on the zip files.

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