On Wed, Oct 30, 2002 at 02:34:22AM -0800, Paul A. Scott wrote:

> Yes, I should think so. Again, XFree86 as delivered with FreeBSD 4.5 and
> earlier run fine on the same exact machine with no changes in hardware.
> The problem only occurs beginning with FreeBSD 4.6 when the individual X
> servers were bundled together, and it continues to fail on FreeBSD 4.7.
> Furthermore, searching the archives I find that other people have the same
> problem beginning with the FreeBSD 4.6 CDROM on different hardware.

The version of XFree86 was updated from 3.x to 4.x in FreeBSD 4.6.
You didn't mention which video card you are using.  Have you consulted
the XFree86 documentation/mailing lists about potential problems with
your video HW?


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