On Tue, Oct 29, 2002 at 10:09:51PM -0800, Safman wrote:

> I am a new user to FreeBSD and am trying to install it for the first
> time.  I  am installing on a hard disk with two partitions: One already
> has Windows, the other will soon have FreeBSD.
> I want to install FreeBSD using CD's, but it doesn't seem to recognize
> my CD drive.  I am installing FreeBSD 4.7, and according to
> Hardware.txt, my CD-ROM  drive is supported (Matsushita/Panasonic
> CR-563).
> I have tried using CLI configuration mode to ">enable matcd0" and got
> the following response:
> No such device: matcd0
> Invalid command or syntax
> I know that the CD-ROM drive itself is working because it works fine
> when I boot up Windows.  Anyone have any ideas?  Thanks for the help...

The matcd driver was for an old non-standard device once produced by
Matsushita.  Certainly if you're using a recently produced CD drive,
it will be a standard ATAPI or SCSI device and it should be recognised
automatically by the install process.  No special driver configuration

As Michael Joyner said in another response, the matcd driver has been
dropped from 4.7-RELEASE onwards: the device is archaic and rarely
used nowadays.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       26 The Paddocks
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