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On Thursday, 17 October 2002 at 21:43:27 -0400, Tom Parquette wrote:
> Greg 'groggy' Lehey wrote:
>> On Thursday, 17 October 2002 at 20:53:41 -0400, Tom Parquette wrote:
>>> I get some other errors when I try to use the simplified method of
>>> creating a 3 disk concatenation.  I suspect my symptoms will change
>>> once I figure out the /dev messages.
>> I don't.  This may possibly be a real problem, though I suspect it's a
>> misunderstanding.
> OK.
> Thanks to Greg and Tony for clearing up a couple of things.
> I just learned something about the boot process.
> Continuing:
> I recreated my error and this is what I got:
> vinum
> Vinum -> concat -n public -v /dev/ad5s1e /dev/ad6s1e /dev/ad7s1e
> volume public
>   plex name public.p0 org concat
> drive vinumdrive0 device /dev/ad5s1e
> Can't create drive vinumdrive0, device /dev/ad5s1e: invalid argument (22)
> vinum -> Oct 17 21:24:11 Callimachus /kernel: vinum: public.p0 is up
> Oct 17 21:24:11 Callimachus /kernel: vinum: public is up
> (I didn't get a command prompt after the last message until I hit
> enter.)

Yes you did, it's showing above.  But then two console messages

> I'm somewhat confused on what should be listed for the -v values.

There are no "-v values".  -v says "be verbose".

> I've seen a couple of different things in the various articles and
> man pages.  I concluded from my reading, possibly incorrectly, that
> I had to allocate filesystems on the disks for vinum to use.
> e.g. ad5s1e.

Yes, that's incorrect.  This is probably because you haven't allocated
type "vinum" to your slices.  From the man page:

     vinum drives are currently BSD disk partitions.  They must be of type
     vinum in order to avoid overwriting data used for other purposes.  Use
     disklabel -e to edit a partition type definition. 

Agreed, the error message is less than clear.  One of these days it
will get fixed, but it happens low down in the kernel where it's
difficult to produce clear error messages.

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