On Thu, Oct 24, 2002 at 06:21:25PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> At 11:07 PM 10/24/2002 +0100, you wrote:
> >In single user mode, what you get is very bare bones.  A lot of stuff
> >like enviroment variables that would normally get setup for you won't
> >have been.  Your modifications to the console video settings won't
> >have happened by that point in the boot sequence either.  You'll get
> >standard 25 rows, 80 columns, white text on black.
> Hmmmm.... that's not what I got - it was definitely green on black and I'm 
> pretty sure it was 50 rows - it would have been pretty shocking to me if it 
> were not, so I am quite sure of this.
> I went into single user as advised in the manual: shutdown now. But then I 
> used bash... :((

That's the difference between 'shutdown now' or doing what I was
thinking of, which is to reboot, hit the any key during the ten second
count down and issue 'boot -s' at the boot manager prompt.  Years of
updating machines to the latest -STABLE has engrained that into my
head as *the* way to get to single-user mode, but you're right:
'shutdown now' works too.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       26 The Paddocks
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