At 12:35 PM 10/24/2002 -0700, you wrote:
The problem, basically, was to find the right configuration.PJ,What changes did you have to make? I also have the i810 chipset on board the mobo. (Dell GX-110) I aasume these changes are to the Xf86config file?
They say just the defaults should work... heh, heh, heh.... if only they always worked.. :))
I cannot give you the exact stuff to enter, but if you go to the manual on the site, that should give you some help.
Then you may have to play with the Depth and mode configuration.
I tried with the graphical set up tool and it is quite ok if you can figure it out. Otherwise the other two command-line tools work just fine. Be sure you know what your horizontal and veritcal frequencies are and what modes your mo;nitor can handle.
When you start X, generally there is a bunch of info on the screen if it crashes that can give you some idea of what may be wrong.
I'm no expert at this by any means but I have found that if you persist with different configurations, something will usually work and give you an idea of what and where you should go. Usually the answer is there, my problem has always been to see the forest for the trees or the other way around....
I must add that even with all the problems I have had setting up my system, once you understand the basics, nothing beats FreeBSD - it really is easy to use the cvsup, the make world for updating, and especially the portupgrade utility.
Let me know if this helps and if not, you'll have to give more detail as to what is going on on your machine.
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