> I've been having trouble with my a7a-133.  I had trouble with XFree86,
> and with a tv card.  I'd like to know some motherboards that work well
> with FreeBSD?

If your motherboard isn't working, then most likely there is some bios
configuration that could be tweaked to fix the problem. That said I'm
using an abit kx7-333 with an athlon xp 2000+ and have absolutely no
problems at all.

> Someone didn't have the same troubles with  soltek SL-75DRV2
> <http://www1.soltek.com.tw/English/product/75drv2.htm>
> I've bought asus card because my hp pavillion had a asus card with a via
> chipset.  I read after that they don't document their boards so that
> open source developers can support all the features easily.  Whats a
> more open motherboard brand?  Are Via chipsets the best supported? The
> card I'm having trouble with has a acer chipset.
I don't know how well FreeBSD supports the acer chipsets, but I've had no
trouble with my via-based chipset.


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