Heir(7) _is_ the official specification for filesystems. Save us all
some headaches and follow it,

--- Serban Mihai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm looking for a standard/official specification for the filesystem 
> hierarchy used on FreeBSD (and all BSDs) regarding commercial
> products.
> Conforming to hier(7) the PREFIX (/usr/local) location should be used
> for local packages. And there the /usr hierarchy should be used.
> Let's suppose I have to install a commercial product named 'foo'. The
> package contains binaries, libraries, logs, UNIX sockets, temporary 
> files, configuration files and periodically updated data files.
> Does the following directory structure conform to standards?
> PREFIX/foo/{bin, lib, etc, tmp, log, data, run...}
> or should it be:
> PREFIX/bin/foo
> PREFIX/lib/foo
> PREFIX/etc/foo
> PREFIX/libdata/foo/{tmp, log, data, run..}?

The latter may be preferrable, excepting -

Sockets are better grouped with others in the /var filesystem, as many
customise this for better performance

You may consider logging in /var/log, where syslog can find and rotate
the log files for you. Also for filesystem customisation.

DEFINATELY put you pidfile in /var/run, which is cleaned out on
startup. Not doing this can cause failures with `unscheduled reboots',
as an exixting pidfile pointing to a running process can be construed
as the process already running, causing "xyz is already running"
errors. I think this the case with the default install of squid.

most installs put their executables in /$PREFIX/bin/, sbin/, as oposed
to /bin/foo/, so they will be found by the existing path.

I hope I have got things right. I am equally sure that any errors will
be rapidly flagged.

Robert Backhaus [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
      Unless otherwise indicated, All `F's in acronyms 
         shal be deemed to stand for `Forgotten'!

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