--- Patrik Petersson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello
> I have some trubble while installing my mouse. I can't get it work in
> the X 
> Window system.
> I can use the mouse in the unix installation program, but when i have
> finished my installation and boot up unix 4.6.2 and start x window
> the mouse 
> doesn't work, what is the problem and how can i fix it?
> \patrik
edit your /etc/XF86Config file. Look for the Section "Pointer". My
simple, 3 button mouse works happily with the following - 

   Protocol        "Microsoft"
   Device          "/dev/mouse"
   BaudRate        1200
   Emulate3Timeout 50
   Resolution      100

hmm, that emulate3 probably doesn't belong there, think on.

I understand the sugested device for mice are wrong. Try something like
this, make sure you don't have multiple "pointer" sections, and, if it
doesn't work, post your pointers section back here. (Both what it was,
what it has become, and how it fails) Remember to keep a backup of your
/etc/XF86Config (#cp /etc/XF86Config /etc/XF86Config.bak)
And if it does work, could you sum up the  thread? Tell us you mouse
brand, and post the pointers section. This helps others with your problem.

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