On Tuesday 17 September 2002 08:26 am, Hideaki Saito appears to have 
> Hi!
> I can boot from a FreeBSD 4.6 CD, but installations have been halted
> with below messages.
> int=0000000d err=00000000 efl=00030246 eip=0000ffff
> eax=00000800 ebx=00000700 ecx=00000000 edx=00000000
> esi 00000000 edi=00000000 ebp=000003c8 esp=000003ba
> cs=ffff ds=0000 es=3147 fs=9f80 gs=0000 ss=9e3c
> cs:eip=00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
> ss:esp=e9 81 00 f0 13 02 00 04-b8 47 80 9f 80 9f 00 00
> The machine is Packmate by Packard Bell. I checked BIOS settings, but
> nothing was wrong. CD-ROM and Hard Disk Drives were properly
> recognized. Sometimes there were massages "Failure Fixed Disk0"
> before starting BTX
> Could anyone tell me what were happening ?

At what point is the system halting?

I'm not entirely sure this is your problem, but 4.6-RELEASE had 
problems with both some ATA CDROM drives and (I think) some 
ATA hard drives.  

http://www.freebsd.org/releases/4.6.2R/errata.html (section 3) 
describes a workaround for the CDROM problems, which 
might help you.   

The better solution would be to install 4.6.2-RELEASE instead, 
that's why it was released.  Or wait a few more weeks for 4.7.

Good luck,

- Bob

> Regards.
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