On Tue, Sep 17, 2002 at 06:44:56PM -0600, Nick Rogness wrote:
> On Tue, 17 Sep 2002, Bob Bomar wrote:
> > I have a dual P-200 file server that is haveing some connection
> > problems.  When I ssh to the box, I login in fine, but some times it
> > lags for a while, but the two boxes are physically sitting next to each
> > other, and are on ports that are side by side on the switch.  While I
> > ssh out of the box from the console, to another box on the LAN, it is
> > still intermitant.  Any body have any ideas?
>       What type of ethernet card(s) is in the box?  Is the switch
>       reporting any type of errors?

A linksys, dc0, and the switch is a linksys 8-port, so I cant see
any errors.  I have swaped it out with an Intel card, fxp0, but it
does the same thing.

| Bob Bomar     [EMAIL PROTECTED]         http://www.bomar.us/~bob |
| FreeBSD: The Power to Serve.          http://www.freeBSD.org   |

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