     I've got a vanilla sendmail installation on my 4.6Stable box:
# sendmail -d0.4 -bv root
Version 8.12.5

I'd like to now set up sendmail to receive mail destined for my
(registered) domain. Now, I know I have to edited the freebsd.mc file in
/etc/mail, but after this, its not entirely clear how it is I am
supposed to proceed afterwards.

I read the README's in /usr/src/contrib/sendmail & /etc/mail, that's
shipped with my FBSD box, it doesn't *actually* say how to "run" m4. In
googling, I've picked up a couple for threads, that mentions m4 almost
in passing (".... then use m4 to generate your <blah>.cf file that you
later copy sendmail.cf").

Could someone please tell me the following:

1] Where it is I can find out how to use m4 to generate a .cf file? 
2] Do I still need to "run make" in /etc/mail even though sendmail was
compiled and installed at system installation time?

Here's my uname info:
#  uname -a
FreeBSD <snip> 4.6-STABLE FreeBSD 4.6-STABLE #0: Wed Jul 24 02:57:09 BST
2002     root@:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/<snip>  i386



Stacey Roberts
B.Sc (HONS) Computer Science

Web: www.vickiandstacey.com

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