On Tue, Sep 17, 2002 at 02:10:38PM +0100, Martyn Hill wrote:

> Thanks very much for your reply. It seems to work OK.
> I'm still not sure what requirements Samba places on the Unix users'
> password when a Samba user is first created. It could be that the -h -
> option in PW (set password to *) will work - I can then script Samba
> password changes from within Samba itself (slightly off topic, sorry.)

If you're running an NT domain, and your users are just using Samba to
provide disk space and don't need to log into the Unix servers
directly, then you don't need and can lock the user passwords on the
unix box.

You still need an account for each of your users on the unix machine,
so it can assign ownership to their files.

Samba can use the Windows native credentials to permit access to the
shares.  You need something like this:

        workgroup = FOO
        netbios name = unixbox
        security = SERVER
        password server = yourPDC
        encrypt password = yes



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