On Tue, Sep 17, 2002 at 02:54:56PM +0200, Pascal Giannakakis wrote:
> Lo ppl,   
> i've set up a FreeBSD server in the Intranet, so that we (my team and i) can
> use it 
> for testing purposes and hacking. My colleagues use W2K and can connect to
> the server 
> via their SSH immedeatly, but when i try to connect to it (i'm using FreeBSD
> as my 
> workstation-OS), it hangs a while until it prompts me for the password. 
> Curious about what the reason might be, i startet the SSH-server in debug
> mode (sshd 
> -ddd), and got that line right before the hang: 
> debug3: Trying to reverse map address 

Does your box have reverse DNS set up?  I suspect your VerifyReverseMapping
is set to "yes".

So, either set up a reverse lookup for your host, or turn off 

> That IP is my WS'. After a minute (i think), i receive the password-prompt
> at my 
> client, and the server tells me: 
> Could not reverse map address 
> debug1: PAM setting rhost address to "". 
> debug3: Attempting authentication for pg. 
> Once i'm in, i can type and see the commands right away. 
> Whats the reason for this lag? Maybe some sort of resolve name of host
> issue? Any 
> hints appreciated. Thx! 

Daniel Bye

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