
I get the following error in my log:

rabbit kernel log messages:
> bbit sendmail[177]: g67NOTKK000177: SYSERR(root): queueup: cannot create queue temp 
>file ./tfg67NOTKK000177, uid=25: Permission denied

My permissions are:
-r-xr-sr-x   1 root    smmsp  582428 Jul  7 18:45 sendmail*
drwxrwx---   2 smmsp   smmsp     512 Jul 22 09:04 clientmqueue/
drwxr-xr-x   2 root    daemon    512 Jul 22 09:08 mqueue/

I tried changing the owner of mqueue from root to smmsp, but then
I could not receive mail.

Can someone tell me why I get the permission denied error.

Jim Freeze
If only I had something clever to say for my comment...

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