Hi There,

After today's update for devel/py-setuptools, it left me with a whole bunch
or orphaned packages.

py37-authres-1.2.0                 ?   orphaned: mail/py-authres
py37-dnspython-1.16.0              ?   orphaned: dns/py-dnspython
py37-fail2ban-0.11.2               ?   orphaned: security/py-fail2ban
py37-milter-1.0.4                  ?   orphaned: mail/py-milter
py37-pyinotify-0.9.6               ?   orphaned: devel/py-pyinotify
py37-pyspf-2.0.14                  ?   orphaned: mail/py-pyspf
py37-setuptools-44.0.0             <   needs updating (port has 44.0.0_1)
py37-spf-engine-2.9.2              ?   orphaned: mail/py-spf-engine

Are we now required to update Python to version 3.8 to use the new version
of setuptools?

I did not see anything in UPDATING regarding this.

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