On 13/09/2017 06:03, Mikhail T. wrote:
I've created the below port "by the book". However, something is not
right about the install -- some of the files duly installed into
STAGEDIR make their way neither into package nor into PREFIX.
The check-plist complains about /some/ of the omissions:
===> Checking for items in STAGEDIR missing from pkg-plist
Error: Orphaned:
Error: Orphaned: %%PYTHON_SITELIBDIR%%/scudcloud/resources/leftpane.js
Error: Orphaned: %%PYTHON_SITELIBDIR%%/scudcloud/resources/scudcloud.js
===> Checking for items in pkg-plist which are not in STAGEDIR
but not /all/ of them -- none of the icons, which are found under
STAGEDIR, make their way into ${PREFIX}/share/icons/
What am I doing wrong? Thank you! Yours,
With your Makefile -
USE_PYTHON= autoplist distutils hunspell
hunspell is not a python option, it should be as
LIB_DEPENDS+= libhunspell-1.6.so:textproc/hunspell
As you are using autoplist the file list is generated based on data in
setup.py, like "package_data". You should patch setup.py so that it
picks up the missing files and also adjust where it is installing data
files such as icons, that may mean prefixing ${PREFIX} with ${STAGEDIR}.
You may find those missing icons in /${PREFIX}/share/icons/ rather than
within the ports work dir.
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