Hiroo Ono <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
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--- Comment #12 from Hiroo Ono <> ---
As a submitter of bug 207809, 207937 (and not mentioned 708202), I think that
the bug reports I have sent are not related to this bug report, if this bug
report is about the order of PYTHON_VERSION and DEFAULT_VERSIONS.

The ports I have sent the patches were unable to build with python 3.x, but not
treated so in the Makefiles. The submitted patches are to make them build
whether the default python is python 2.x or python 3.x.

For example, japanese/mozc-server (dealt with in bug 207937) has python scripts
run at build time. They run with python 2.x but not with 3.x. Instead of
patching the scripts run with both python 2.x and 3.x, which seemed difficult
for me, I changed the port build depend on python2 and made scripts call
python2 instead of python, which can be ether python 2.x or 3.x. In this case,
depending on python2 seems to be correct.

The bug 207809 (devel/pygobject3-common) addresses the problem that it always
depend on graphics/py-cairo which is for python 2.x. For python 3.x, there is

The patch in bug 208202 changed textproc/ibus depend on python 2.x, because one
of the ports it depends works only with python 2.x.

When setting the default python version to 3.x, there are some ports that fail
to build. I tried to fix a few of these. These ports could not be built not
because of the priority of PYTHON_VERSION and DEFAULT_VERSIONS, but because
they forgot to limit the dependency on python 2.x only, or they forgot to look
the case of python 3.x.

So, I say again that I think the bug 207809 and 207937 are not related to this
bug report.

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