
I have been working on a port for pypy-1.5.  Although the port is a work in 
progress I would like some feedback for what I have done so far.  

The port supports translating (and compiling) multiple instances of pypy, with 
three options available by default.  The first is DEFAULT which is the stock 
pypy with JIT.  The second is STACKLESS using the stackless option for pypy.  
The last is SANDBOX using the sandbox option for pypy.  See 
files/bsd.pypy.inst.mk for the examples.  

To translate custom instances of pypy compile the port with:
# make all install PYPY_INST=<instance list>

I plan to make STACKLESS and SANDBOX options.  

The port is standalone and does not have any integration into the port 

See attached.



P.S. Please CC me as I am not on list

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