On Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 2:23 PM, Garrett Cooper <yanef...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 10:29 AM, Giuseppe Pagnoni <gpagn...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear Dmitry and Garrett,
>> thanks for all your previous help, I was wondering whether you have
>> had any chance to look into the core file I sent last time.  I
>> completely understand if you hadn't and actually I feel a bit
>> embarrassed to ask, since I know how scarce time can be and that your
>> assistance is purely out of good-will.  I just thought I would give it
>> one more try, in case some progress was made or somebody else reported
>> similar issues.
>> very best,
>> giuseppe
>> On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 5:45 PM, Dmitry Marakasov <amd...@amdmi3.ru> wrote:
>>> * Giuseppe Pagnoni (gpagn...@gmail.com) wrote:
>>>> => I get a segmentation fault and a python.core file.
>>>> When I run:
>>>>   gdb core python.core
>>> You should run `gdb python python.core` instead. Or, just
>>> % gdb python
>>>> run example.py
>>> so it runs python example.py, dies and drops out into gdb.
>>> In the debugger, you should at least run `bt full` command.
>>>> It doesn't seem very informative to me but I don't know how to use gdb
>>>> at all; perhaps the debug symbols were stripped on install?
>>> They shouldn't, as WITH_DEBUG disables stripping.
> Hi Giuseppe,
> I haven't been using this app, but I also haven't had any issues, sans
> using the latest nvidia-driver, which does appear to regress from what
> I've seen in my basic / soak testing over the past couple of days,
> which colludes with information that the latest version is unstable.
> Regardless though, the next step that we should grab is what your
> options were that you used with python. My options are:
> # This file is auto-generated by 'make config'.
> # No user-servicable parts inside!
> # Options for python26-2.6.4
> _OPTIONS_READ=python26-2.6.4
> WITH_SEM=true
> WITH_UCS4=true

Almost forgot -- you can get the options from:


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