Tatsuki Makino tatsuki_makino at hotmail.com wrote on
Mon May 10 21:08:06 UTC 2021 :

> In poudriere.conf, there is a setting for BUILDNAME_FORMAT.
> It will be set to the default value of %Y-%m-%d_%Hh%Mm%Ss in 
> /usr/local/share/poudriere/common.sh
> becomes the default value for BUILDNAME.
> BUILDNAME can be set with the -B option of poudriere-bulk.
> In other words, I want the official poudriere bulk to start with an option 
> like -B 210511060619-53863351e3fbec0d89e941ee9f0f288bd2461e87 too :)

Another, shorter option would be to truncate the hash to,
say, 12 characters (and I show all 4 digits of the year):

-B 20210511060619-53863351e3fb

Especially with content like 20210511060619 as context
in the name, 53863351e3fb is unlikely to not be
unique for built-commit identification.

However, the port builds identify two commits: one for
the port (p prefixed currently) and one for the system
(_s prefixed currently). So more like (using a real
build's hashes):

-B 20210511060619-p0ae18b07e470_sf5ff282bc0

Note that the text after the "-" is the same text now
used in the name.

The use of the date/time encoding as a prefix avoids
dealing with picking between the port and system
"rev-list --first-parent --count" figure or having to
list both in some order --and avoids the computational
effort to find those counts.

Mark Millard
marklmi at yahoo.com
( dsl-only.net went
away in early 2018-Mar)

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