The recovery of deleted ports in their previous form is rejected
by the pre-commit checks on the repository server:

remote: ================================================================
remote: Do not commit ports without TIMESTAMP in their distinfo files.
remote: Rerun make makesum to add it.
remote: ================================================================

I have tried to revert the deletion with unchanged files and then
updated the ports' Makefiles and distinfo files in a later commit.

Pushing those commits all together fails with the message above,
and in order to not confuse GIT, deleted files should be committed
first, before applying any changes.

Apparently this is not possible, and I cannot re-order the commits
in such a way, that the distinfo change is merged in to the initial

I'm now going to try with 10 commits squashed into 1, to make the
distinfo update appear to be part of the initial commit. This will
make it much harder to distinguish the reversal of the deletion
from later changes, though.

The squashed commit has worked - the multimedia/transcode port and
dependent ports that had been deleted should be restored and fixed.

It is thus possible to commit a reverted port, but I had rather kept
the commit log entries separate and more comprehensible.

Regards, STefan

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