Hi Frank, Alexander,

thanks for your feedback. Meanwhile I had created a port of my own, which was 
quite easy with the openhab2 port as template. One remark to your version: I 
have noticed that the openHAB folks have changed their naming scheme and have 
omitted the major version number from the package name, so the name of the 
openHAB 3 package on Linux is just ‚openhab‘ as opposed to ‚openhab3‘. I think 
that should also be reflected in the FreeBSD port.

Kind regards,

> Am 15.04.2021 um 20:03 schrieb Frank Preußer <frank.preus...@hotmail.de>:
> Hello everybody
> openhab3 runs in a TrueNAS jail for me. I once attached the necessary files 
> to you, these must then be added to the /usr/ports/misc/ directory
> then simply enter the command "make install clean" in the two directories.
> And take the same options after the openhab2 install
> Bye Frank.
> Von: Alexander Leidinger <mailto:netch...@freebsd.org>
> Gesendet: Sonntag, 11. April 2021 15:01
> An: Thomas Gude <mailto:thg...@googlemail.com>
> Cc: po...@freebsd.org <mailto:po...@freebsd.org>; frank.preus...@hotmail.de 
> <mailto:frank.preus...@hotmail.de>
> Betreff: Re: FreeBSD Port: openhab2-2.5.11 - openhab3?
> Quoting Thomas Gude <thg...@googlemail.com> (from Fri, 9 Apr 2021 
> 12:11:19 +0200):
> > Hi netchild,
> > 
> > I am happily using the openhab2 port on my FreeBSD home server. The 
> > openHAB guys have released the new 3.0 version quite some time ago 
> > and I am wondering if you (or anyone else) have plans for (or are 
> > even already working on) a port for FreeBSD. Would be nice to get 
> > your feedback or thoughts on this.
> Frank Preusser (in CC) has send me an openhab 3 port. I didn't had the 
> possibility to have a look at this. The last thing I remember is that 
> there were some issues still left (IIRC some java error). I'm not sure 
> if it migrates the openhab2 config. With openhab2 there was an update 
> script to update from a previous version of openhab2. I had to ... 
> sort of replace ... it with something similar, no idea how openhab-3 
> is doing this. I just remember that in the release notes it was 
> mentioned that they renamed from "openhab2" to "openhab".
> Bye,
> Alexander.
> -- 
> http://www.Leidinger.net alexan...@leidinger.net: PGP 0x8F31830F9F2772BF
> http://www.FreeBSD.org    netch...@freebsd.org  : PGP 0x8F31830F9F2772BF
> <oh3 install.rar>

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