On 02/04/21 15:44, The Doctor via freebsd-ports wrote:
On Fri, Apr 02, 2021 at 08:55:00AM +0200, Kurt Jaeger wrote:

As a minor aside, has anyone stated the reason why the user-base of base
or ports are moving to git?



Then the question is : Moving forward, how do we update
the ports?

The same questions keep being asked even if replied to multiple times.

you can use git with the official git repo (once it will be available, migration is still in progress), or reference a mirror on github or gitlab. Some documentation about how to do this is available at [1].

If I understand correctly documentation will also be added to the handbook once migration is done.

Git is a little complicated but a lot of documentation is available on the internet. search engines are you friends.

If you only want to keep /usr/ports updated the easiest tool to achieve that is gitup available in ports at net/gitup.

I reiterate, migration is still in progress, the latest available snapshot of the ports tree (at present read only) is via subversion. once migration is done the official git repo and mirrors will be available.

There isn't much more to be sail until the migration is done.

[1] https://docs.freebsd.org/en/articles/committers-guide/#git-primer

Guido Falsi <m...@madpilot.net>
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