On Mon, Mar 22, 2021 at 12:16:54PM +0900, Tatsuki Makino 
<tatsuki_mak...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> It looked interesting, so I took a peek. :)
> It looks like /usr/local/share/sunclock/Sunclockrc can be overridden by 
> ~/.sunclockrc.
> Then, it seems that the time difference applied is using the environment 
> variable TZ.
> The following rewrite seems to be applicable.
> @@ -X,X +Y,Y @@
> -addcity 1|Tokyo|35.683|139.733|JST-9
> +addcity 1|Tokyo|35.683|139.733|Asia/Tokyo


Thanks. I think an mass update of all the city
timezones is needed. I suspect that the old
abbreviations don't take daylight savings into account.

But that won't change the colour of (west) Malaysia in
the timezones.vmf file to match the other countries in
the same timezone. That's a more difficult matter
involving making changes to a file containing over
20,000 lines of numbers!

And it seems that lots of operating system packaging
systems are getting sunclock from locations that no
longer exist. Macports gets it from an archive.org
version of the original French website (arvernes.com).
Debian Linux gets it from a github repo that no
longer exists (mdoege/Sunclock). Arch Linux has its own
readonly git repo. FreeBSD gets it from Debian.

I found it elsewhere on github (nongiach/Sunclock).
That seems to the only "upstream" copy left. I've
created a new fork of it (rafork/Sunclock) in case that
one ever disappears. The new repo will never be deleted
as long as github lasts.


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