Hey all,

I'm tracking down a regression in ports regarding TCL and unicode. The
primary victim of the problem is databases/sqlite3. Note that I use
freebsd-ports on github as my upstream, so I'll be using git commit
hashes from that repo.

The sqlite3 build failure can be seen at [1].

If I revert commit 787aad81fc79d441fb0c9a750e6e33b6c0ea7ac6, sqlite3
builds fine. I noticed a few key changes from that commit:

The build of sqlite3 depends on TCL: instead of using the distfile
that has the autoconf artifacts pre-generated, the distfile without
the autoconf artifacts is used (changing from
sqlite-autoconf-3340100.tar.gz to sqlite-src-3340100.zip). This
means that the TCL-based autoconf artifacts must be generated
locally. At least, partially. It seems that the only part of the
build that depends on TCL is the sqlite3_analyzer.

Admittedly, this change is somewhat confusing to me. I'm having
somewhat of a hard time knowing whether it's TCL or sqlite3 itself
as the main culprit.

Any guidance is appreciated.



Shawn Webb
Cofounder / Security Engineer


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