Am 19.03.21 um 10:23 schrieb Erik Neubauer via freebsd-ports:

Thanks for maintaining an ownCloud package!

I noticed that you are using PHP 8.0. However ownCloud doesn't support that version of PHP.

Unfortunately I don't have any experience with BSDs, but perhaps I can help you create a package based on PHP 7.4?

Hi Sunpoet,

the following patch prevents use of PHP-8.0 and the creation of
a package for that PHP version:

Index: www/owncloud/Makefile
--- www/owncloud/Makefile       (revision 568788)
+++ www/owncloud/Makefile       (working copy)
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
 USE_PHP=       bz2 ctype curl dom fileinfo filter gd hash iconv intl json \
                mbstring pdo posix session simplexml xml xmlreader xmlwriter \
                xsl zip zlib
+IGNORE_WITH_PHP=       80

 NO_ARCH=       yes
 NO_BUILD=      yes

In order to get the current owncloud-php80 package removed from the
package mirrors, a PORT_REVISION bump will be required.

Let me know if I should go ahead and commit that change ...

Regards, STefan

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