I am working on creating a new port for aws-codedeploy-agent (https://github.com/aws/aws-codedeploy-agent).  I am able to get it build and run successfully on my end manually, I have also verified that deployments triggered via AWS codedeploy work with this agent on EC2 instances running FreeBSD-12.

I am having problems wrapping my head around how to get the ports system to execute the following commands listed in the codedeploy-agent build instructions:
- bundle install
- rake clean && rake

I have a pretty basic Makefile so far which fails like so:
$ port test
===> Using ports tree /usr/ports
===> Validating port with portlint
looks fine.
===>  Building for aws-codedeploy-agent-v1.2.1
make[1]: cannot open Makefile.

make[1]: stopped in /usr/home/ec2-user/ports/aws-codedeploy-agent/work/aws-codedeploy-agent-1.2.1
===> Compilation failed unexpectedly.

For reference here's my wip Makefile:
# $FreeBSD$

PORTNAME=    aws-codedeploy-agent
PORTVERSION=    v1.2.1
CATEGORIES=    sysutils

MAINTAINER=    p...@nomadlogic.org
COMMENT=    Agent which allows an EC2 instance to be used with AWS CodeDeploy


BUILD_DEPENDS= rubygem-bundler>=1.17.3:sysutils/rubygem-bundler \

USE_GITHUB=    yes
GH_ACCOUNT=    aws
GH_PROJECT=    aws-codedeploy-agent
GH_TAGNAME=    v1.2.1

USE_RUBY=    yes

NO_ARCH=    yes

.include <bsd.port.mk>

It seems to me I'm missing a parameter to tell the ports system to first install dependencies via "bundler" then build the software using "rake".  Any insights or other ports I could look at would be really appreciated!


Pete Wright

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