On Mon, Jan 25, 2021 at 11:00:46AM -0700, @lbutlr wrote:
> I ma trying to figure out why pin entry and pinetnry-tty are installed. If I 
> try to remove it, I get a list of post that are to be deleted.
> Installed packages to be REMOVED:
>         gnupg: 2.2.27
>         gpgme: 1.15.1
>         mimedefang: 2.83_3
>         mutt: 2.0.4
>         pinentry: 1.1.0_7
>         pinentry-tty: 1.1.0
>         spamass-milter: 0.4.0_4
>         spamassassin: 3.4.4
>         subversion: 1.14.0
> I've looked through he config for all of these and not seen anything about 
> PIN entry, and am wondering why it would be required to run any of these 
> packages.

pinentry is (also) used to enter (e,g,) passphrases (as would be used by

> I cannot imagine any circumstances in which I would need to enter a PIN on a 
> TTY and no one else could possibly do so.
> I suspect mutt since it is relatively newly installed, nut I see nothing in 
> the config that seems like it wold disable this. (Mutt is used as a 
> convenient way to send html formatted mail of some system events), it is not 
> used to access mail off the server and is only used by me to access mail on 
> the server.
> ....

You may well need but a subset of the default options in that case.

David H. Wolfskill                              da...@catwhisker.org
Some "Republicans" seem bound and determined to turn the party known for
touting "law and order" into one that supports mob rule and insurrection.

See https://www.catwhisker.org/~david/publickey.gpg for my public key.

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