INDEX build failed with errors:
Generating INDEX-11 - please wait..--- describe.accessibility ---
--- describe.arabic ---
--- describe.archivers ---
--- describe.astro ---
--- ---
--- describe.benchmarks ---
--- describe.biology ---
--- describe.cad ---
--- describe.chinese ---
--- describe.comms ---
--- describe.converters ---
--- describe.databases ---
--- describe.deskutils ---
--- describe.devel ---
--- describe.dns ---
--- describe.editors ---
--- describe.emulators ---
--- ---
--- describe.french ---
--- describe.ftp ---
--- describe.print ---
--- describe.russian ---
--- ---
--- ---
--- describe.shells ---
--- describe.sysutils ---
--- describe.textproc ---
--- describe.ukrainian ---
--- describe.vietnamese ---
--- describe.www ---
--- describe.x11 ---
--- describe.x11-clocks ---
--- describe.x11-drivers ---
--- describe.x11-fm ---
--- describe.x11-fonts ---
--- describe.x11-servers ---
--- describe.x11-themes ---
--- describe.x11-toolkits ---
--- describe.x11-wm ---
make_index: /home/indexbuild/tindex/ports/security/py-onlykey: no entry for 

Committers on the hook:
 brnrd fernape gahr jbeich mikael netchild olgeni sunpoet 

Most recent SVN update was:
Updating '.':
U    databases/sqlite3/Makefile
U    databases/sqlite3/distinfo
U    databases/py-litecli/Makefile
U    databases/py-mycli/Makefile
U    databases/py-pgcli/Makefile
U    x11/phosh/Makefile
U    x11/phosh/distinfo
U    deskutils/fet/Makefile
U    deskutils/fet/distinfo
U    net/ns3/Makefile
U    net/ns3/distinfo
U    net/ns3/pkg-plist
U    net/enet/Makefile
U    net/enet/distinfo
U    net/enet/pkg-plist
U    net/py-softlayer/Makefile
U    net/activemq/Makefile
U    net/activemq/distinfo
U    net/x2goclient/Makefile
U    net/x2goclient/distinfo
D    net/x2goclient/files/
U    net/x2goclient-cli/Makefile
D    devel/py-prompt_toolkit1
D    devel/py-prompt_toolkit2
D    devel/py-prompt_toolkit
U    devel/Makefile
U    devel/py-http-prompt/Makefile
A    devel/py-prompt-toolkit2
A    devel/py-prompt-toolkit2/Makefile
A    devel/py-prompt-toolkit2/distinfo
A    devel/py-prompt-toolkit2/pkg-descr
U    devel/ipython5/Makefile
A    devel/py-prompt-toolkit1
A    devel/py-prompt-toolkit1/Makefile
A    devel/py-prompt-toolkit1/distinfo
A    devel/py-prompt-toolkit1/pkg-descr
U    devel/ipython/Makefile
U    devel/py-jupyter_console/Makefile
A    devel/py-prompt-toolkit
A    devel/py-prompt-toolkit/Makefile
A    devel/py-prompt-toolkit/distinfo
A    devel/py-prompt-toolkit/pkg-descr
U    devel/py-ptpython/Makefile
U    devel/py-pyinquirer/Makefile
U    devel/sonarqube-community/Makefile
U    devel/sonarqube-community/distinfo
U    devel/sonarqube-community/pkg-plist
U    devel/kerl/Makefile
U    devel/kerl/distinfo
U    math/sage/Makefile
U    security/libressl-devel/Makefile
U    security/libressl-devel/distinfo
U    security/libressl/Makefile
U    security/libressl/distinfo
U    security/vuxml/vuln.xml
Updated to revision 557725.
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