Andrea Venturoli wrote:
On 11/12/20 5:18 PM, Yuri Pankov wrote:

Could it be something that changed on remote side, e.g. any recent updates?

Most targets are Windows 10 machines, so they possibly updated to a newer version, but I don't know.
One is Windows 2012, though, so I don't think that changed that much.

OK, I was able to reproduce this; actually, it hit that assertion for all Windows 10 20H2 installs I have, all are updated to latest patches, so I can't tell when this started to happen. Adding a debug print before that assert() shows the following:

$ DISPLAY=mercury:0.0 /usr/ports/net/rdesktop/work/rdesktop-1.9.0/rdesktop orion
len=128 size=128
Assertion failed: ((len * 2) < size), function _utils_data_to_hex, file utils.c, line 501.

So we need the len of 128 we need size of digest buf to be > 256, the following patch worked for me:

polaris:ypankov:/usr/ports/net/rdesktop$ cat files/patch-utils.c
--- utils.c.orig        2020-11-13 12:40:51 UTC
+++ utils.c
@@ -584,7 +584,7 @@ _utils_cert_get_info(gnutls_x509_crt_t cert, char *out
        char buf[128];
        size_t buf_size;
-       char digest[128];
+       char digest[512];
        gnutls_x509_dn_t dn;
        time_t expire_ts, activated_ts;

Also attached so you could simply drop it to files/ directory (if the list will pass it through). Though I must admit I have no idea what changed exactly on Windows side caused the digest size to grow that much.

As a workaround, try increasing the buf size to e.g. 512 in utils.c:_utils_cert_get_info().

Sorry, looks like I'm reading that backwards, and increasing the buf size will actually make it worse.

BTW, did you previously have rdesktop compiled without DEBUG option, so that assert() simply didn't fire, and now it's ON?

Actually I built it in poudriere *without* DEBUG option.

I might as well enable it and investigate, then.

Sorry, that was another shot in the dark, without actually trying something, and wrong one at it.
--- utils.c.orig        2020-11-13 12:40:51 UTC
+++ utils.c
@@ -584,7 +584,7 @@ _utils_cert_get_info(gnutls_x509_crt_t cert, char *out
        char buf[128];
        size_t buf_size;
-       char digest[128];
+       char digest[512];
        gnutls_x509_dn_t dn;
        time_t expire_ts, activated_ts;
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