On Mon, Nov 09, 2020 at 08:40:38AM +0900, Tatsuki Makino wrote:

> I think you need to rewrite all the files under /etc that have
> /usr/local in them.
> For example, ldconfig_paths in /etc/rc.conf.

Yes - these are what I've gotten so far:

ike_program="/opt/sbin/isakmpd"   # Path to IKE daemon
ldconfig_paths="/usr/lib/compat /opt/lib /opt/lib/compat/pkg"
ldconfigsoft_paths="/usr/libsoft /usr/libsoft/compat /opt/libsoft"
ldconfig_paths_aout="/usr/lib/compat/aout /opt/lib/aout"

The SHELL in the environment shows CSH, so I don't think .profile matters.
I changed .cshrc in both the jail extant and in the @clean snapshot, and
that didn't do it, surprisingly. I'll set some sort of canary value and see
if it makes it into the environment in case PATH is being manipulated after
the fact.

> However, when you do all that, it's already a different OS distribution
> than FreeBSD, isn't it :) ?

Relocating optional software doesn't seem like that big a change. Again,
this appears to be advertised functionality. What I'm curious about is if
it was ever tested - are we seeing bitrot, an incomplete design, or some
other factor that's making it painful to make use of PREFIX in builds? I've
used GNU Stow often enough that I expect software to be somewhat flexible
with regard to where it expects to find components.

Mason Loring Bliss             ma...@blisses.org            Ewige Blumenkraft!
(if awake 'sleep (aref #(sleep dream) (random 2))) -- Hamlet, Act III, Scene I

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