Dear all,
I currently package a new gitaly version which is required for gitlab-ce
The current version I have now can be found here:
But for this port there are a lot of upstream changes which causes now
some problems compiling it.
It seems that a new go dependency is added that requires libgit2 as a
I used the following command to better see the error message:
poudriere testport -p gitlab -j 121amd64 -i devel/gitaly
In the shell I executed then:
And then a tried the following:
cd /root/go/pkg/mod/
pkg-config --cflags --static -- libgit2
pkg-config --libs --static -- libgit2
go build invalid flag in pkg-config
--libs: -D_THREAD_SAFE
I think the problem is somehow related to the output of:
pkg-config --libs --static -- libgit
which shows:
-L/usr/local/lib -lgit2 -lrt -pthread -lz -L/usr/local/lib -lssh2
-L/usr/local/lib -lssl -L/usr/local/lib -pthread -lcrypto -pthread
-lpcre -D_THREAD_SAFE -pthread
The error message I was able to found in the log:
go build invalid flag in pkg-config
--libs: -D_THREAD_SAFE
The full log is here:
The log is really hard to read, as go executed several compiles at once.
I tried to limit it to one thread using:
GO_BUILDFLAGS+= "-x -p 1"
but this does not work.
I tried to add compiler:c11 to the use flags, but this does not help (it
seems that pkgconfig is for sure required).
It would be really great if someone could help me, fixing this problem
so I can release the next gitlab-ce 13.4 upgrade.
Thanks a lot.
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