Am 20.09.20 um 21:38 schrieb Russell L. Carter:
> On 2020-09-20 12:30, Rainer Hurling wrote:
>> Hi Russel,
>> There is a PR opened already:
>> You could try the patch or wait until x11/nvidia-driver* is updated.
>> HTH,
>> Rainer
> Ok, that's fine.  I can wait quite a bit and pull down
> the update when the fix lands.
> I was previously somewhat tempted, occasionally, to automate
> the weekly 'pkg upgrade' but in this case that would have been
> a big oops.

The approach would be to check first what your automated "pkg upgrade"
would do (there is a dry-run option, pkg upgrade -n) and then have it
balk if any uninstalls would happen, or otherwise proceed. Someone more
knowledgable about pkg might know a more efficient way.

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