On Fri, Sep 18, 2020 at 08:17:35PM +0000, Pau Amma wrote:
> On 2020-09-18 17:58, Carmel NY wrote:
> > On Fri, 18 Sep 2020 13:43:48 +0000, Pau Amma stated:
> >> See
> >> https://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/testing-poudriere.html#testing-poudriere-ports-tree
> >> and the next sections.
> > 
> > According to the above page, "The most straightforward way is to have
> > Poudriere create a default ports tree for itself, using either
> > portsnap(8) (if running FreeBSD 12.1 or 11.4) or Subversion (if running
> > FreeBSD-CURRENT)" Am I to understand that if I am running 11.4-RELEASE,
> > I cannot use subversion?
> "The most straightforward", not "the only". You can definitely use 
> Subversion with 11.4 if you wish or need to. What you no longer can do 
> is use portsnap with -CURRENT. (I'll grant that "straightforward" may be 
> in the eye of the beholder, though.)

For my stuff, I pull my stuff into /usr/ports however I want (git, long before
it was fashionable in my case) and then just set up poudriere to use that.  I
do a similar things with /usr/src, except I want poudriere to have a static
copy of that, just in case.

    [initial creation]
        poudriere jail -c -j 12-2 -v 12.2 -m src=/usr/src
        poudriere ports -c -m null -M /usr/ports -p master

        poudriere jail -l

                JAILNAME VERSION            ARCH  METHOD       TIMESTAMP        
                12-2     12.2-BETA2 1202000 amd64 src=/usr/src 2020-09-18 
15:32:59 /usr/local/poudriere/jails/12-2

  The "-m null" (null method) lets you manage it however you want.

  If I look at my mounts during the build, with ZFS, I can see them:

        Filesystem              Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
        /usr/ports              350G    4.0G    346G     1%    
        /usr/ports/distfiles    364G     17G    346G     5%    

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