Am 27.07.20 um 07:03 schrieb Yasuhito FUTATSUKI:
> In article <>
> writes:
>> From: KIRIYAMA Kazuhiko <>
>> Subject: www/py-html5lib with FLAVOR=py27 failed to build
>> Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2020 15:17:04 +0900
>>> www/py-html5lib with FLAVOR=py27 had failed to build:
>> I tried `cd /usr/ports/www/py-html5lib; make FLAVOR=py27 install` with
>> following conditions,
>> OS: 11.4-RELEASE, 12.1-RELEASE and 13-CURRENT r363475 (amd64)
>> Ports tree: head r543492
>> And in all cases it compeletes without any error.
>> Do you have any non-default setting about options or something related
>> to ports build?
> www/py-html5lib@py27 run depends on devel/py-six@py27.
> devel/py-six@py27 test depends on devel/py-pytest@py27.
> devel/py-pytest@py27 test depends on devel/py-hypothesis@py27.
> devel/py-hypothesis dropped py27 support on r538898.
> So it can't be built with test. I guess it is the reason.

I consider it quite an annoyance that ports depending on Python 2.7
are deleted before the EoL of the interpreter has actually occurred.

I'm currently trying to resurrect a port (textproc/scancode-toolkit)
which for quite some time has already been available in an upgraded
version for Python 3 on Github, but was deleted in our ports tree.

It depends on other ports that work with Python 3 if only the USES
clause in the ports Makefile is fixed to include 3.6+ (I do not have
older Python versions installed and they might work with 3.0+, but I
cannot easily test that assumption). Some of these dependencies have
also been deleted from ports, despite being ready for Python 3.

IMHO ports that are currently marked to require Python 2.7 should be
updated to a version that works with 3.x (and many will do without
any change to the port except removing the restriction in the port's
Makefile, as I have found when working on scancode-toolbox).

Removal of Python-32.7 specific ports that are depended on by other
ports instead of just updating them or their port Makefile causes
friction and work for maintainers of dependent ports, who may not
have much experience with those dependencies (e.g. because they are
written in Python whole the port maintainer is not well versed in
that language and especially not in the steps required to migrate
a port from 2.7 to 3.x or to test whether it has been fully migrated
by the upstream).
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