On 18/07/2020 1:09 pm, Pau Amma wrote:
> This category would comprise ports that are mainly educational in nature
> or purpose, such as:
> - course-writing or course-delivery applications,
> - classroom or school management applications (eg, scheduling classes),
> - applications, utilities, or games primarily or substantially designed
> to help the user learn a specific topic or study in general, like typing
> tutors, flashcard applications, or educational games.
> This category would be useful because some of these applications are in
> non-obvious categories, making them hard to find if you don't already
> know about them. For instance, if I had not already known about anki or
> mnemosyne, I don't think it would have occurred to me to look for them
> under games.
> Observant readers will notice that there are 10 misc/* ports in that
> category. I do not, however, know whether that is enough to justify
> making it a physical category with all the additional work involved.
> Things that would need to be changed if that proposal is accepted:
> - The Makefiles for all these ports
> - The section on port categories of the Porter's Handbook
> - Possibly other things I'm missing
> All comments or constructive criticism gratefully accepted.
> _______________________________________________

Great idea Pau!

You might like to add www/sakai though its quite dated (ports is 10.2;
current version 20.1)
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